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Torrens Island Quarantine Station

Torrens Island is located in the Port River Estuary between the Port River and Barker Inlet, about 15 km northwest of the Adelaide city centre in South Australia. Since European settlement of Adelaide in 1836, it has been used for a number of purposes.


There is a wealth of information about the quarantine station on many sites.

The following information has been taken from the Friends of Torrens Island (FoTI) newsletter (27.11.2014)


"The new owners of the former Torrens Island Quarantine Station (TIQS), the Department for Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) have arrested the neglect and decay of this important state heritage-listed site. A very comprehensive and well-researched Conservation Management Plan has been prepared by the consultant, heritage architect Richard Woods, of Habitable Places. The first volume was released several months ago and is available on the FoTI website. The second volume, with chapters on each of the individual buildings and details of the works required to restore them, is currently at the review stage. Asbestos issues have been addressed: broken panelling has been patched and sealed, and remnants of lagging have been removed. Trees that threated buildings by the dropping of limbs or growth of suckers have been removed, and the site has been opened up by the clearance of fallen timber and leaf litter, to reduce fire hazards. Structural repairs and roof-and-gutter replacement to some of the highest priority buildings, including the Disinfecting Block, Bathing Block, Isolation Ward, Mortuary, and the 1878 cottage, as well as re-roofing of the semi-underground rainwater tanks have been carried out by contractors. The 1878 prefabricated timber cottage, the only remaining building from the original establishment of the quarantine station, is one of an original 30 imported from California, and is of great historic significance, It, and another removed from TIQS to a school at Mount Barker some years ago, appear to be the only examples of their particular type and manufacture left in the world. The current scope of works, Stage 1, is expected to be completed by the end of March 2015, at a cost of $600,000. Works included for Stage 2 (the remainder of the heritage-listed buildings) and stage 3 (the jetty) have been costed, but no budget allocation has yet been made. It is hoped that these works will be carried out over the next two years. 

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