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Strategic Policies

Heritage Policy

Port Adelaide’s heritage, enriched by its traditions and its diversity, provides a sense of pride in valuing place and identity, and includes major social, economic and environmental benefits.

To truly value our heritage, government leadership and key policies should provide the foundation for practical, sustainable, holistic and an integrated whole-of-government approach. Over the past decade it could be argued, however, that the government foundation to provide integrated effective and efficient heritage conservation has been negatively impacted by the SA Planning and Design Code and an inattention to prevent or minimise the irreversible impacts of Climate Change.

Context for our Heritage Policy includes the not insignificant role of government and the richness of our local community and its aspiration for conserving heritage. Government responsibility is divided between various departments and agencies which include: the Departments of Environment and Water, Planning and Infrastructure, and Renewal SA. Other significant influencers include: The National Trust of South Australia, SA Heritage Council and Local Government.  Community aspiration is expressed in groups such as the Port Adelaide Historical Society, SA Maritime Museum, National Railway Museum, SA Aviation Museum, the Historic Ketch Falie Inc and Clipper Ship City of Adelaide .


PoANT’s Heritage Policy highlights key issues and principles and establishes a set of policies which can lay the foundation for detailed policy and project initiatives for better heritage outcomes for Port Adelaide and will guide PoANT’s advocacy and lobbying priorities.

10 Principles that Underpin PoANT's Heritage Policy

1.    The application of best practice by government in the identification, conservation, promotion and management of heritage values is essential in promoting the value of heritage conservation.

2.    Active involvement by all sectors of the community in the processes of identification, conservation and use of heritage places is integral to good conservation outcomes, community appreciation and compliance. 

3.    First Nations’ cultural knowledge in the identification, conservation and management of Aboriginal heritage is essential to the achievement of good heritage conservation outcomes.

4.    Heritage recognition and conservation should be fully integrated into the planning and environmental management systems, simple to operate and understand, open, transparent and accountable.

5.    Assessment of heritage significance should be based purely on heritage values and separated from other decision-making processes.

6.    Effective heritage management requires a balance of flexible regulatory requirements and a range of conservation incentives.

7.    Appropriate expertise should be utilised to facilitate decision making processes relating to the identification, assessment, conservation and management of heritage places.

8.    Heritage identification and conservation should reflect the rich diversity of our society and meet community expectations.

9.    Awareness-raising to promote greater understanding and support for the identification, conservation and management of heritage places.

10.    Drawing strength from Community Power including the collaboration with other local organisations and the community right to voice. 

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