Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms
Back to Projects
Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Port of Adelaide National Trust

Courtesy Bryan Cole

Source unknown

Source unknown

Courtesy Bryan Cole
"The sale of the Fort Largs site was announced to partially recoup the cost of the newly developed neighbouring Police Academy at Taperoo.The fort at the Fort Largs site is listed on the State Heritage Register, which prohibits demolition and promotes standards for preservation and maintenance.AVJennings and the National Trust are working on a joint business case for the future redevelopment and conservation of the heritage-listed Fort buildings. As part of the development proposal, AVJennings plans to reuse the Drill Hall as a community facility and the Barracks as apartments."
Thanks to Fiona McConchie, Andrew Winkler, Dave Walsh and Darren Peacock for the time and effort that they have given over many meetings and many months about this heritage site.
Update: 28 August 2018
The $100 million development deal to
transform historic Fort Largs into a
housing estate has collapsed.