Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms
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Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Port of Adelaide National Trust

Aug 28, 2018 - THE $100 million development deal to transform historic Fort Largs into a housing estate has collapsed.
Local Legends Award
June - Pat Netschitowsky was conferred a Local Legends award by Mark Butler, Federal MP for Port Adelaide. This is a special volunteer award and we congratulate Pat for her many years as a volunteer at PoANT, Friends of Torrens Island, Port Adelaide Visitors' Centre, and the University of the Third Age (U3A) to name just a few.
Port Adelaide Renewal Project
Waterfront Redevelopment Community Engagement Report Summary of findings from the 11 September 2016 Community Open Day and online survey.
Click here to read the findings.
Port Adelaide Historic Ships Strategy Report
Click here to read it.
PoANT's Response to the Maritime Heritage Strategy
Click here to read it.
Development Plan
The latest Development Plan has been released for Port Adelaide Enfield Council (April 21st 2016).
Click here to read it.
Local Legends Award
Andrew Winkler was conferred a Local Legends award by Mark Butler, Federal MP for Port Adelaide. This is a special volunteer award and we congratulate Andrew on his tireless efforts, particularly in regard to the Torrens Island Quarantine Station.
Awards for Hart's Mill
The space around Hart’s Mill won two awards at the SA division of the Australian Institute of Architects awards July 3rd 2015. One was for urban design and the other for heritage.
Hart’s Mill will now be in the mix for a national award.
Click here to read it.