Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1
Wharf Shed 1

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms

Designed by Sandra Elms
Back to Projects
Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Save Wharf Shed 1 from demolition
It's the last remaining wharf shed in the Port's Inner Harbor. Too much of the Port's character and maritime history has been eroded away. Adaptive re-use of the wharf shed is a win for the Port, for tourism and is economically viable too.
Read about the history of this shed in the September 2016 Missive. (Thanks to Michael Weir for his research).
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Statement
Petition to protest against the demolition of Wharf Shed 1
Our PoANT Facebook page has many posts and photographs about adaptive re-use of wharf sheds in other places. It also provides an opportunity for community members to share their thoughts and opinions about our heritage. The Facebook page is the place to go to find out what is happening currently in and around The Port.
Port of Adelaide National Trust

The Committee
At the 1st General Meeting in 2006, it was agreed to have a committee of 15. This General Meeting also approved the name ‘Port of Adelaide’ for the Branch, to indicate that our focus is not just on Port Adelaide, but Lefevre Peninsula as well. We have not adopted geographical boundaries. PoANT takes an interest in any heritage matter that is related to the Port and the Peninsula.
Our Current Committee
Clare Shuttleworth
Phillip Winter
Pat Netschitowsky
(Secretary / Membership Liaison)
Kirsty Hammet
Lindl Lawton
Christine Gates
Ann Marr
Ros Belle
Fiona McConchie
Monika Stasiak
(Committee Members)