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Fort Largs

The future of state heritage listed Fort Largs is at risk. Renewal SA proposed selling off the land on which the Fort is located at the end of April 2014, for a housing development with space for up to 200 homes.

Fort Largs, built in 1883, is made up of a number of intriguing buildings and other structures including gun emplacements. It has never been accessible to the public and is largely hidden from view by dunes and vegetation.  

The Fort, although state heritage listed, is very much at risk of demolition as a future developer is likely to want to redevelop as much of the site as possible.

AdelaideNow, Wednesday 19 March 2014, 'Space for up to 200 homes in Fort Largs land being released to the market at Taperoo'


Weekend Notes, 23 March 2014, 'Fort Largs – A unique part of SA history'

Weekend Notes, 2 April 2014, ' Fort Largs – Under Threat of Demolition'

AdelaideNow, Friday 11 April 2014, 'Developer Theo Maras suggests idea to turn Fort Largs land into Adelaide’s own miniature Battery Park'

National Trust makes heritage bid for more Fort Largs buildings, 8 August 2014

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